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Amy Barrera-Cancedda
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Amy Elizabeth (E-beth) Barrera-Cancedda received her Bachelor of Science and Master in Public Health from Emory University. Following these studies, she worked for Harvard School of Public Health in Rwanda, where she facilitated the development of a family-centered intervention for HIV/AIDS affected families.

After her time in Rwanda, Elizabeth worked for Partners In Health as a Tuberculosis Analyst for TB CARE II, a collaborative project between USAID and PIH. After completing this project, Elizabeth became the Director of Monitoring and Evaluation for PIH, in Sierra Leone, during the Ebola epidemic, where she was responsible for collecting clinical data on patient outcomes.

After a decade in the field, E-beth returned to school to obtain her Bachelor in Nursing degree. Upon completion of this degree, she enrolled in the doctoral program at the School of Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania and completed her PhD in December 2020. Given her interests in nursing and global health, her research interests focus on strategies to improve professional development opportunities for nurses in countries that have been burdened by hemorrhagic fever epidemics, as a means of investing and strengthening the healthcare systems within these contexts post-epidemic.

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University of Pennsylvania
Hillman Scholar Alumni

PhD, University of Pennsylvania

BSN, University of Pennsylvania

MPH, Global Health, Emory University

BS, Anthropology, Emory University

Alison M. Buttenheim, PhD, MBA (Chair); Justin Clapp, PhD, MPH; Rinad Beidas, PhD; Susan Michael-Strasser, PhD, MPH (Columbia School of Public Health).


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